5 Reasons You Must Have a Primary Care Physician
Everyone needs medical care. That’s been true since the first days when humankind set foot on the land and turned his face to the sky. Medical care has come a long way since bloodletting and leeching, but the truth is, too many people never go to the doctor.
Having a primary care physician to look over you is absolutely vital to living a long, happy and healthy life. If it’s been awhile since you’ve seen a doctor, consider these five reasons you should have a primary care physician to keep you healthy.
The Primary Care Physician
A primary care physician is your main doctor. They are the center of your healthcare world, the one who knows you personally, who keeps and coordinates your healthcare record and teams, and the one you can trust above all others. Your PCP is your medical advocate who makes sure that you get all the right screenings, testing and specialists to keep you healthy and take care of any problems you might have.
Seeing the Whole Picture
Specialists see only one or a few aspects of your condition. As the central figure in your healthcare team, a PCP will be able to look at all aspects of your condition and treatments to develop a big picture perspective. This can be vital to making sure you get all the treatment you need.
Preventative Care
Preventative care is where primary care doctors excel. They are the ones who are going to be able to counsel you on your exercise routines, lifestyle habits, nutrition and all the other approaches you need to take to make sure that you stay happy, healthy and hale. Doctors don’t exist to find things that are wrong with you—they are there to keep things from going wrong!
Personal Relationships
Going to the doctor for many people is stressful enough already without healthcare professionals being a parade of nameless, faceless and cold individuals that you see once and then never again. Your primary care doctor is going to be someone you see regularly. It’s part of their job to get to know you and develop a personal rapport and relationship. They are someone you can trust to know the details of your health history and help you make the right choices for you. Each person’s health is individual, and that personal knowledge is important.
Avoiding the Specialist
Many people want to run to a specialist right away, but if you’ve got a PCP who knows you well, you might find that a specialist isn’t even necessary. From wellness exams, outpatient office procedures, joint treatments to gynecological exams, there are a broad range of procedures that can be performed right in your personal physician’s office.
If you’re in need of a primary care doctor in the Las Vegas area, we look forward to meeting you! Read about our primary care services, and give us a call for more information today!