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    Managing Whiplash Injuries

    woman with neck brace after whiplash

    Managing Whiplash Injuries

    If you were involved in a traumatic accident and are experiencing moderate to severe pain and discomfort in your neck, you might have whiplash. Since whiplash is a common affliction within the Las Vegas population and the surrounding areas, many people choose to ignore their symptoms until they disappear altogether.

    Few people realize that the prognosis of those who have suffered a whiplash injury can be poor if the injury is improperly managed. Not only is treatment necessary for a quick recovery, but it might also diminish your risks of developing anxiety, depression or other psychological symptoms. Managing whiplash injuries is as important as recovering from a broken bone. To help better understand this injury, here are a few additional facts about whiplash.

    How Does Whiplash Happen?

    Most people who experience whiplash receive the injury in a car accident. Other accidents that might cause whiplash include bicycle accidents, horse riding accidents, sports accidents and other occurrences that bring your acceleration to a sudden, forceful stop. When this stop occurs, the head and neck continue to move forward while the body is stopped. This is often due to seat belts. Once the head and neck are extended and caught by the rest of the body, they are jerked backwards. This motion is very similar to the cracking of a whip, hence the name “whiplash” was coined.

    Underlying Issues

    Though whiplash is not considered a life-threatening injury, whiplash associated disorders can lead to severe and chronic conditions. In other words, it is never a good idea to let pain that is associated with whiplash simply heal on its own—even though the overwhelming majority of injured people do. Until most recently, very little was known about the extent in which whiplash affected patients. Now that medical professionals are aware that there are many underlying issues associated with whiplash that go beyond pain, accident victims are encouraged to seek treatment. Some additional problems one might experience due to whiplash include:

    • Joint Dysfunction
    • Disc Herniation
    • Chronic Pain
    • Poor Movement Patterns
    • Cognitive Dysfunction
    • Diagnosis

    Since whiplash involves the soft tissues of the neck, it can be difficult to diagnose. When a person is involved in an accident, especially an automobile accident, they are often brought straight to the emergency room or visit their primary care physician shortly afterwards. Your doctor might order an MRI if you explain that you are having neck pain. They might also provide you with a supportive neck brace.

    Manage Whiplash

    This is a real injury that must be treated. Some treatments include range of motion exercises and physical therapy. New findings have shown that those who take outdated advice and remain sedentary or rest completely in a brace are more likely to develop chronic conditions that stem from whiplash. If you have additional questions or concerns about treating a whiplash injury, find a provider in your area or contact a representative with Complete Injury Management today.

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